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How to prepare for a performance assessment review

It is important to note that ‘performance assessment review preparation’ immediately before your review is unlikely to affect the outcome significantly. The evidence is made up of documents needed to run a VET program. The evidence is drawn from existing documents. These documents exist at a point in time, and cannot be retrospectively manufactured.

QCAA assessors will focus on your long-term practices and behaviours as they relate to the student learning experience.

Overview of the performance assessment review process

Your RTO will receive advice through the VET app that a performance assessment review is being scheduled for your school RTO. In most cases, the standard notification period for a performance assessment review is one to three months. The assigned assessor will communicate most review information through the VET app.

The assessor will firstly request initial evidence, which includes current versions of the:

  • Training and Assessment Strategies (TAS) for all qualifications on scope
  • staff profiles for all trainers and assessors identified in the TAS documents
  • five-year validation plan and evidence of validation activities
  • policy and procedure checklist.

The assessor will then request follow-up evidence, based on the learning programs in the TAS document. Follow–up evidence includes:

  • selected assessment tools currently being used by assessors with students and identified in Section 3 of the TAS document
  • copies of selected policies and procedures.

The assessor will review student management data and AQF certification of both current and the previous year students, as well as the RTO’s marketing and student information. A planning document for a site visit or online conference is arranged between the assessor and RTO manager.

Student management data and AQF certification of both current and the previous year students are reviewed, as is the RTO’s marketing and student information. A planning document for a site visit or online conference is arranged between the assessor and RTO manager.

After analysis of the evidence and moderation of the working notes, an initial performance assessment review report is completed, and uploaded to the VET app before the site visit or online conference. The outcome of this initial report forms the basis of the site visit or online conference.

The site visit or online conference involves:

  • discussing RTO operations, future plans and the current findings with the principal
  • reviewing operational and delivery matters and the initial performance assessment review report with the RTO manager
  • discussing any missing evidence, which can be produced and may contribute towards the review process
  • interviewing at least 10 students about their learning experiences.

If the initial performance assessment review report identified no major deficiencies, the site visit will also include tailored professional development sessions.

The content of these sessions will be determined through collaboration between the assessor and RTO manager. After the site visit, the RTO will receive a feedback form and final performance assessment review report, and the assessor will meet online with the RTO manager to officially close the process.

If the initial performance assessment review report findings identified non-compliances, the site visit or online conference will also include interviews with selected trainers and assessors to support a return to compliance.

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