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Transition to senior secondary

Information about Year 10 in Queensland

Year 10 is the entry point to the senior phase of learning. It is the final year of the Australian Curriculum, and forms the foundation of knowledge, understanding and skills required for senior studies. It is when students reflect on and make important decisions about:

Schools plan their Year 10 curriculum and assessment programs to provide a smooth transition between the Australian Curriculum and senior pathways.

Planning for Year 10

Schools design their Year 10 curriculum and assessment programs to ensure students:

  • complete the P–10 Australian Curriculum prerequisite knowledge, understanding and skills
  • receive the necessary advice, guidance and preparation to begin senior studies
  • complete Senior Education and Training (SET) planning.

Schools may support students’ preparation for senior studies by:

  • identifying opportunities within the Year 10 Australian Curriculum to introduce knowledge, understanding and skills that provide a foundation to the corresponding Year 11 and Year 12 senior syllabus
  • selecting a range and balance of assessment techniques and conditions to gather evidence of student learning in the corresponding Year 10 Australian Curriculum achievement standard
  • building knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for success in the Year 11 and Year 12 senior subjects by identifying the underpinning factors and their alignment to the corresponding general capabilities in the Year 10 Australian Curriculum
  • addressing students’ individual needs through differentiation.

For more information, refer to the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.

Year 10 planning resources

The following resources can be used to promote continuity, alignment and rigour in Year 10 curriculum and assessment programs. These resources support students to effectively transition to QCE learning pathways.

Australian Curriculum

Years 9–10 assessment techniques and conditions

Techniques and conditions provide advice that supports teachers to develop range and balance within an assessment program, giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills across a year or band of years.

Techniques and conditions advice documents are available for both v9.0 and v8.4.

Version 9.0 techniques and conditions documents are found under the assessment tab of each learning area/subject.

Techniques and conditions are available with other frequently used resources for Version 8.4.

Australian Curriculum cognitive verb overview

Senior curriculum connections

Senior assessment techniques and conditions (by learning area)

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