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Access Management Kindergarten Access Administrator request form

Request for QCAA Portal role: Access Management Kindergarten Access Administrator

Access Administrators manage user accounts for staff at their kindergarten, and:

  • allocates staff access to the QCAA Portal
  • manages permissions for staff within the Kindergarten Transition Statement application
  • uploads the kindergarten logo to appear on transition statements

Due to security reasons, Access Administrator role holders are unable to manage their own access. You will need to contact another Access Administrator to assist you with additional access.

Each kindergarten must have at least 2 Kindergarten Access Administrators. When you have made an application, the confirmation page will prompt you to submit another application for the same kindergarten - this will prefill your details.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).

Kindergarten details

Start typing your organisation name and then select from the displayed options.

If your organisation is not listed please contact Client Services.

Applicant details

If applicable. Note: This is not your Education Queensland number.

Must be an individual work or personal email address. Not a group or shared address.

Please enter the details for your most recent previous kindergarten employment.
Start typing your organisation name and then select from the displayed options.

Request Kindergarten Transition Statement application additional roles

Kindergarten Transition Statement application roles

  • Kindergarten Editor: Create, edit, complete and statements that have been created by themselves.
  • Kindergarten Submitter: Create, edit, complete and submit statements that have created by themselves.
  • Kindergarten Delegate: Create, edit, complete and submit statements that have been created by all users at their organisation.
  • Kindergarten Director: Create, edit, delete, complete and submit statements that have been created by all users at their organisation.
Submitter details

Person submitting this form *

Kindergarten director authorisation

Director's authorisation *

The applicant must have received authorisation from the director to become an Access Management Kindergarten Administrator for the organisation.

The information you provide on this form is being collected and used in relation to the functions and powers prescribed under Part 2 of the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014. The information will be accessed by QCAA staff and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Information held by the QCAA is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009.

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