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QCAA Structure and strategic plan

Organisational structure

The QCAA is organised into three divisions:

  • Curriculum Services — responsible for K–12 curriculum and assessment policy review and development, curriculum resource development, internal assessment quality assurance processes and vocational education and training
  • Assessment, Reporting and ICT Systems — manages testing and assessment implementation, student reporting and certification, data analysis and ICT systems and services
  • Strategy, Planning and Corporate Support — provides corporate and support functions across the QCAA and manages our communications and marketing, legal services, and professional development activities.

The QCAA organisational structure and senior management team are shown in the organisational chart:

Strategic plan

The QCAA Strategic Plan 2023–27 describes how we will achieve our vision of leading curriculum and assessment for a future-ready Queensland.

Our work over the next four years will be guided by the strategies in the plan that are listed under the following three strategic objectives:

  • Deliver high-quality and future-focused resources and services
  • Understand and respond to the needs of stakeholders
  • Act with professionalism and integrity.

This strategic plan was reviewed in May 2024 and remains current.

Diversity, equity and inclusion action plan

The QCAA's Diversity, equity and inclusion action plan 2024–26 represents our commitment to fostering a diverse, inclusive and culturally aware workforce where everyone feels valued and empowered. It is aligned to our:

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