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P–10 Australian Curriculum news

Welcome to the latest issue of P–10 Australian Curriculum news.

Find out how to continue your professional development at the QCAA's thought-provoking Australian Curriculum v9.0 in Queensland (ACiQ*) webinars and in-person events.

You'll also learn about the most recent updates to our resources and app designed to support your curriculum and assessment planning.

Keep reading for more.

*"Australian Curriculum v9.0 in Queensland (ACiQ)" refers to QCAA-developed professional learning and resources that support Queensland schools to implement the P–10 Australian Curriculum v9.0.

P–10 Planning app offers new functionality

We’re pleased to announce several updates to the P–10 Planning app designed to enhance its scope and functionality.

These recent changes respond to feedback from teachers across the state and include:

  • multi-age planning for classes with students from different age groups
  • dashboards and data summaries that show:
    • the number and stage of development of curriculum and assessment plans and assessment tasks
    • coverage of the achievement standards or content descriptions
    • coverage of the General capabilities, Cross curriculum priorities and focus areas
  • assessment calendars.

Data summaries can be printed as PDF or CSV files by whole school, learning area/subject or year level.

Join our short webinars on 25 July and 30 August when we’ll show you how to use the app to make quality planning decisions. Visit our website for more information and to register.

New ACiQ resources to assist curriculum implementation

P–6 familiarisation and planning videos

New videos on the QCAA website summarise advice that we originally delivered at our planning and familiarisation workshops and webinars for P–6 English and P–6 Mathematics. These resources explore the learning area changes from v8.4 to v9.0 and provide advice on how to plan effectively.

Cognitive verbs

Our cognitive verb overviews have been updated for version 9.0 of the P–10 Australian Curriculum and show the common cognitive verbs used in each learning area or subject.

And new information sheets for Prep–6 and Years 7–10 are available for each cognitive verb. In the resources you’ll find a definition of the verb, its place in the cognitive system and where it appears in the achievement standards and/or content descriptions.

Cognitive verbs are categorised using Marzano & Kendall’s four elements of the cognitive system: retrieval, comprehension, analysis and knowledge utilisation (2007).

Workshops and webinars for the rest of 2024

In our last issue, we gave you a comprehensive overview of our professional learning program that runs until early November. The main offerings are described in our Term 3 PD posters for Prep–Year 6 (PDF, 110.9 KB) and Years 7–10 (PDF, 144.3 KB). For the full rundown on webinars and workshops through to November, visit our searchable webpage where you can filter by location, P–6, Years 7–10 and webinar.

And don't miss us in-person as we travel across Queensland to deliver free Prep–Year 6 Designing quality assessment workshops for Health and Physical Education, and Science and Technologies. Register now to secure your place.

Make the most of the QCAA Portal

Are you new to the QCAA Portal? For primary and secondary schools and teachers it’s a gateway to:

  • coordinating NAPLAN administration via the NAPLAN app
  • downloading Kindergarten transition statements via the KTS app
  • fast and efficiently curriculum and assessment planning via the P–10 Planning app
  • improving your understanding of P–6 assessment literacy via the courses in the Learning Hub.

To access the QCAA Portal, you’ll need to register for an account and log in using your details. Your school’s Access Management Organisation Administrator will then give you access to the apps you need.

If you’ve changed schools, don’t forget to transfer your QCAA Portal account to make sure your details are up to date.

Not sure if you already have a QCAA Portal account? Email Client Services or phone
(07) 3864 0299.

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