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Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 in Queensland (ACiQ)

ACiQ. This page refers to Australian Curriculum version 9

Three dimensions of the Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum is 3-dimensional; it includes learning areas, general capabilities, and cross-curriculum priorities. Together, the 3 dimensions set out essential knowledge, understanding and skills all young Australians need so they will be able to learn, contribute to and shape their world now and in the future.

Resources to help implement the P–10 Australian Curriculum Version 9.0

The P–10 Planning app in the QCAA Portal gives schools a fast and efficient way to create year level/band curriculum and assessment plans, assessment tasks and marking guides directly aligned with the Australian Curriculum v9.0.

For further information, including how to access the app, please see the P-10 Planning app page.

The following outlines the schedule of QCAA professional development and support for the phased familiarisation, planning and implementation of the Australian Curriculum learning areas.

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