Please complete this notice by end of business Thursday 28 March 2024.
Complete this form when you host a student from another school for NAPLAN Online tests. Please complete all details to enable the transfer of the visiting student's data from your school to their enrolled school.
This is a two-part process. Please fill in the data as required on this form to submit it. After submitting this form you will be emailed the details for your records.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk ( * ).
The information you provide on this form is being collected and used in relation to the QCAA's functions and powers prescribed under Part 2 of the Education (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Act 2014 (s 12). Personal information will be accessed by authorised QCAA staff, and handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. Information held by the QCAA is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009.