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Detailed description of diagram: Examples of the process for making 'more like' judgments

Example 1

The learning occurred:

Learning situationLevel of support Phase judgment
in a familiar situation with explicit support The child's learning is more like a child in the emerging phase than a child in the exploring phase.
with occasional support The child's learning is more like a child in the exploring phase than a child in the emerging phase.

If the child needs explicit support, this indicates that the demonstrated learning is in the emerging phase.

Example 2

The learning occurred:

Level of supportLearning situation Phase judgment
with occasional prompting in a familiar situation The child's learning is more like a child in the exploring phase than a child in the extending phase.
in a new situation The child's learning is more like a child in the extending phase than a child in the exploring phase.

If the situation is familiar, this indicates that the demonstrated learning is in the exploring phase.
If the situation is new, this indicates that the demonstrated learning is in the extending phase.

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