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The benefits of being an external assessment marker

Anthony Young
St Laurence’s College

I've applied the skills from EA marking to better equip my students to address the assessment. So an example would be I've required them to use more specificity in their reference to scores and time codes in recordings and the printed music that they analysed,  because that's a requirement of the external exams that perhaps they wouldn't have thought of before.

Ben Greenfield
St Patrick’s College (Shorncliffe)

After being an EA marker, I've been able to look at how we mark in our own school and understand the difference between sample responses and a marking guide so that we can improve our allocation of results to students and more accurately and reliably give feedback to students and parents.

Sarah Brierley
Hervey Bay State High School

So it's around being more familiar with the external assessment marking guide, how the questions are marked, how they're broken down and what's required of the students in their responses.

Darlene Hill
Kepnock State High School

As a marker, it really does open your eyes, to the way in which you can help and support your students to be able to achieve. And as a teacher, it also means that I can then pass on that knowledge and understanding to other teachers within my department.

Matthew Pickersgill
Benowa State High School

So after being a marker in the EA operation, some of the ways I've applied those skills is I've used, for example, the previous year's marking guide. And I've used that with practice and mock exams in class. So it was a great tool for me to use in a formative way, when I went back to teach the following year.

Jessica Prouten
The Southport School

This is some of the best professional development that I've ever done. It also embeds me within the community of practice so I'm able to talk to teachers from a variety of different schools and also help them but also be helped by them.

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