To be eligible to mark external assessment for General, General (Extension), and General (Senior External Examination) (SEE) syllabuses, you must have relevant experience, e.g. be a:
- retired teacher
- relief teacher
- academic
- teacher from another jurisdiction.
Application process
New OEA applicants will need to submit an EOI via the Assessor Jobs application in the QCAA Portal.
If you have never had a QCAA Portal account:
- create a QCAA Portal account for this vacancy (do not use the new account link on the QCAA portal landing page)
- once you have access, log in to the QCAA Portal using your newly created login and password
- complete your EOI application located in the Assessor Jobs app listed under the Current Vacancies heading
- if reviewed as suitable for initial training, complete the composite Module 7 Assessment literacy course and assessment
- submit your application
- complete an online recruitment marking test.
Note: If you are a teacher in another jurisdiction, you must obtain agreement from your school principal that you will be released for training and marking during school hours, if required.
If you are a returning OEA marker:
- log in to the QCAA portal using your account name and password
- complete your OEA application located in the Assessor Jobs application listed under the Current Vacancies heading.
If you have difficulty logging into the portal, please email ClientServices@qcaa.qld.edu.au or phone (07) 3864 0278.
Selection and training
The QCAA will review applications and make offers of appointment.
Successfully appointed markers will be required to complete up to two days of subject-specific training in October/November.
Completion of all training is compulsory.
OEAs will be paid at an hourly rate for training.
Markers will be paid at a piece rate for marking.
Finding out more
If you would like more information, please: