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5.3 VET procedures for school RTOs

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5.3.1 VET and the QCAA Portal

The VET application in the QCAA Portal enables school RTOs to access:

  • the school’s registration information
  • user guides for the VET administrative forms
  • VET administrative forms
    • Application to change scope of registration — Add a new qualification
    • Application to change scope of registration — Add unit/s of competency
    • Application to change scope of registration — Remove qualification
    • Application for initial RTO registration
    • Application to renew RTO registration
    • Application to withdraw RTO registration
    • Notification of change to organisational details.

5.3.2 Registering as a school RTO

Queensland schools apply to the QCAA to become an RTO, using the initial registration activity in the VET application on the QCAA Portal. As delegate for ASQA, the QCAA can register schools to deliver nationally recognised vocational qualifications to students enrolled in Years 10, 11 and 12.

The initial application process is explained on Vocational education and training (VET). The process of registering to become an RTO may take up to six months from the QCAA’s receipt of a school’s application to when the school receives approval to operate as an RTO.

School RTO registration process
School RTO registration process

Detailed description of this diagram

5.3.3 Scope of registration

The QCAA scope of registration identifies a period of accreditation for each qualification or accredited course. School RTOs are registered for a qualification and may only record units of competency under the approved qualification. An RTO’s scope of registration can be viewed via the VET application in the QCAA Portal and

After successful registration as an RTO, a school can offer or advertise a national qualification. It is unlawful to advertise or promote a national vocational qualification or unit of competency that is not on the school’s scope of registration. All advertising or promotional material must include the RTO’s national provider code.

Changing the scope of registration

School RTOs must apply to the QCAA to make any changes to the scope of registration. All forms are accessed via the VET application in the QCAA Portal. If a school wants to renew registration or remove qualifications, this can be achieved by completing the appropriate registration or removal form, also accessed via the QCAA Portal.

5.3.4 Planning which VET qualifications to offer

National training packages

Each training package outlines specific skills and knowledge required in the workplace and is developed by Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs) to meet the training needs of an industry or group of industries. Training packages are available at

RTOs can deliver training package qualifications and units of competency once they are registered to offer these qualifications. The qualifications form the RTO’s scope of registration for qualifications or courses offered. RTOs refer to training packages to determine which appropriate training products, qualifications and/or units of competency could be relevant for intended students and needs. For each training package, RTOs refer to accompanying companion volumes, such as implementation guides, which provide information on:

  • modes of delivery
  • access and equity considerations, such as reasonable adjustments, and assessment processes and techniques
  • workplace, health and safety implications
  • resources and equipment.

The QCAA has no role in the development, endorsement or maintenance of training packages. is the Australian Government database for national training packages, qualifications, accredited courses, units of competency and RTOs.

Queensland Skills Gateway

Queensland Skills Gateway is a Queensland Government website that lists VET courses and training providers in Queensland.

5.3.5 RTO risk and regulation

ASQA has established a range of mechanisms for identifying and assessing the risks posed by providers, which the QCAA applies.

The QCAA develops a provider profile for each school RTO. Each provider’s profile is dynamic, reflecting a range of data sources and information, and does not translate into a single score or rating. Rather, this system stores a detailed profile for each provider, which includes a set of risk indicators, such as compliance history. The QCAA uses provider profiles to determine its performance assessment review (PAR) scope and activity.

5.3.6 RTO appeals

School RTOs who are not satisfied with a decision made by the QCAA as delegate for ASQA should refer to Appeals and complaints.

School RTOs must follow a defined process when lodging an appeal or requesting a reassessment of a QCAA position on an identified issue.

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