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A quick guide to the QCE system

This video provides an overview of how the QCE system works.

Working towards a Queensland Certificate of Education gives students the skills they need for the future whether they plan to do further study, learn a trade, or find a job after Year 12.

The QCE is internationally recognised and a sign of personal and academic success.

QCE students can choose from a wide range of study options: QCAA General and Applied subjects, QCAA Short Courses, vocational education and training courses, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, and other courses like university subjects studied at school.

To receive a QCE, students must achieve the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern, while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements.

How students are assessed in QCAA subjects depends on what they study. QCAA General subjects have three internal assessments (set and marked by schools) and one external assessment (set and marked by the QCAA). In most subjects, the external exam contributes 25% to the final subject result. In Mathematics and Science subjects it’s 50%.

QCAA Applied subjects have four internal assessments (set and marked by schools). Except Essential English and Essential Mathematics, which have three internal assessments (set and marked by schools) and one common internal assessment (set by the QCAA and marked by schools).

QCAA Short Courses have two internal assessments (set and marked by schools) while assessment in vocational education and training subjects varies depending on the certificate or course.

The QCAA has processes in place to quality assure internal and external assessment. So, students, parents, carers and schools can be confident that results are reliable and comparable across schools.

Students’ final subject results are published in their learning account in December along with their Senior Statement and QCE.

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