The QCE Achievement Awards exemplify the high standards, credibility and flexibility of Queensland’s senior schooling qualification, the QCE, by celebrating the learning achievements of the students who best demonstrate breadth and/or depth across a range of learning options.
The awards accommodate the different study patterns typical of today’s senior students. They account for the fact that students engage in diverse learning options, undertake different quantities of learning, and complete their studies at different rates. They acknowledge that senior schooling is not a one-size-fits-all model for students.
It is not possible for schools or students to predict the outcomes of QCE Achievement Awards. Nor is it possible to tailor a student’s learning program to maximise their chance of receiving an award. The key is that whatever study pattern a student chooses, they must achieve to an exceptionally high level — not just within their school but on a statewide basis, and against a range of measures.
The awards are based on different criteria from school and other established awards (e.g. TJ Ryan Memorial Medals and Scholarships, Queensland Training Awards) and are calculated using a range of achievements banked in students’ learning accounts and some additional result information not available to schools.
For this reason, not all of the students who receive an achievement award will be the dux of their school and not all will have achieved an ATAR of 99.95.
Award categories and criteria
There are five award categories:
- Distinguished Academic Achievers
- Outstanding Academic Achiever
- Highest Achievement by an Aboriginal Student or Torres Strait Islander Student
- Certificate of Academic Commendation
- Subject Achievement Commendation.
Find out about the QCE Achievement Awards categories and criteria.
Award winners — 2023 graduates
The QCE Achievement Awards ceremony for the 2023 cohort will be held on Saturday 17 February 2024.
The ceremony is limited to winners of the following award categories:
- Distinguished Academic Achievers
- Outstanding Academic Achiever
- Highest Achievement by an Aboriginal Student or Torres Strait Islander Student.
Students who are recipients of a Certificate of Academic Commendation or Subject Achievement Commendation will receive their certificate in the mail from late January 2024.