New QCE system categories and criteria
There are five award categories for students who graduated Year 12 from 2020, under the new QCE system:
This award is for the students who, in being awarded a QCE, demonstrate exceptionally high achievement across a diverse range of learning options.
An initial pool of students is selected using the following criteria:
- eligibility for a QCE
- five final subject results in General and/or General (Extension) subjects at an A standard, including a General English and a General Mathematics subject.
A further shortlist compares achievements in the following areas:
- Relative performance in Units 3 and 4 of each student’s best 5 General and General Extension subjects
- The breadth of learning achievements in Unit 3 and Unit 4 combinations in General and General (Extension) subjects where an A exit standard was awarded.
- Subject results awarded across students’ best five General and General (Extension) subjects. Bonus points are allocated subject results of 97 or higher.
- Units of QCE credit awarded for General and General (Extension) subjects, university subjects, VET diplomas and VET advanced diplomas. Bonus points are allocated for high results in university subjects completed while at school.
- Total QCE credit.
The selection panel considers this information, along with any other achievement information recorded in each student’s learning account, to determine the award recipients.
The number of awards conferred will vary from year to year, depending on the selection panel’s decision about an appropriate cut-off between the top students and the remainder of the pool. In most years, the number will be approximately 30.
The group of award winners also includes the highest achieving International Baccalaureate student.
Prize: Trophy, $1000 prize money and invitation to the QCE Achievement Awards ceremony.
This premier award is for the student in the final list of Distinguished Academic Achievers whose achievements the selection panel considers best meet the criteria for that award.
Typically only one winner will be selected. In circumstances where two students cannot be separated, an additional award may be conferred.
Prize: Trophy, $4000 prize money and invitation to the QCE Achievement Awards ceremony.
This award is for the highest achieving Aboriginal Student or Torres Strait Islander student awarded a QCE. A shortlist of students who identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person is identified for the consideration of the selection panel.
Candidates are shortlisted for selection panel consideration using the criteria for the Distinguished Academic Achievers category.
Prize: Trophy, $1000 prize money and invitation to the QCE Achievement Awards ceremony.
This award is for students who achieve an A exit result in at least six General and/or General (Extension) subjects.
The QCAA identifies recipients following finalisation of student results for certification in December. Due to the large number of students who receive this award each year, the certificates are mailed directly to students’ postal addresses in January following the release of Year 12 results.
View the list of Certificate of Academic Commendation recipients.
Prize: Printed certificate
This award is for students who achieve the highest result in at least one General subject or General (Extension) subject.
The QCAA identifies recipients following finalisation of student results for certification in December. Certificates are mailed directly to students' postal addresses in January.
View the list of Subject Achievement Commendation recipients.
Prize: Printed certificate
Previous QCE system categories
For students who graduated Year 12 between 2014 and 2019, there were seven award categories:
- Distinguished Academic Achievers
- Outstanding Academic Achiever
- Highest Achievement by an Aboriginal Student or Torres Strait Islander Student
- Highest Achievement by an International Student
- Highest Achievement in the International Baccalaureate
- Certificate of Academic Commendation
- Highest Result on the Queensland Core Skills (QCS) Test
View the list of QCE Achievement Award winners from previous years.
Selection process
It is important to note that only achievements recorded in a student’s learning account can be considered in the determination of awards.
A selection panel is convened to consider shortlisted candidates and determine award winners. The selection panel consists of:
- the QCAA Chair
- representatives of the State, Catholic and Independent school sectors
- one or more QCAA senior staff members.
In addition to the criteria specified for each award category, the selection panel will consider how each candidate’s program of learning and final achievements reflect the following underlying principles of the QCE:
- For different pathways to the QCE.
- For a wide variety of ways of learning and of demonstrating that learning.
- For students across the spectrum of Queensland society (geographical, cultural, racial, socioeconomic).
- A standards- and qualifications-based certificate, with rigorous criteria.
- Setting challenging but achievable standards.
- Reflecting the goals of Queensland and national curriculums.
- Setting standards that hold national and international currency in education, industry and in the community.
- A passport to multiple future pathways, national and international.
- Recognition by (and entry to):
- higher education (university)
- further education (TAFE and private providers)
- employment
- schools
- general public.
- A certificate that holds high status in the community.
Extract from Norm Hunter, The QCE and the three Rs: Relevance, Rigour and Reputation — a periodic review of the Queensland Certificate of Education (2011).
The process for selection is as follows:
- Following finalisation of student results for certification, the QCAA applies the criteria to determine an initial shortlist of candidates to be reviewed by the selection panel.
- The selection panel meets to consider shortlisted candidates and make final recommendations.
- The QCAA informs schools and students of the outcome of the selection process.
- All awards (other than certificates of commendation) are distributed to students at the QCE Achievement Awards ceremony in February.
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