The QCE Achievement Award winners for 2020 are from the first cohort of Queensland students to graduate under the new QCE system.
Their stories are shared with permission.
Vishaak Gangasandra — The Southport School

I was extensively involved in extracurricular activities during Year 12 which helped round me as a person and motivate me.
Career goal
My goal is to become a doctor and blend my passion for healthcare with my interest in business management and technology to boost efficiency in healthcare.
Study plans
I am studying a double degree of Biotechnology and a Doctor of Medicine at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I care deeply about the human condition, so learning about the livelihoods and stories of societies made Ancient History, one of my most enjoyable subjects.
Tips and advice for current students
Take the time to consider intellectually what you love and value. The best way to succeed is to have a true passion for the work, not for the results. Put 100% effort in everything you do, or it is not worth doing. And take advantage of every opportunity.
Rani Carmichael — Brisbane State High School

I'm inspired by my mother for her perseverance and success in her art career, and by my Aboriginal maternal ancestors. They survived and overcame countless hardships, allowing me to access the opportunities I have today.
Career goal
I’d like to work in a mixed animal veterinary practice and eventually own my own clinic.
Study plans
I’m currently studying the Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) at the University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Philosophy & Reason was my favourite. I learnt important skills such as communication and critical thinking, which I’ve been able to apply to so many different aspects of my life.
Tips and advice for current students
Consider the opportunities that academic success in high school may allow you in the future. In terms of study tips, take notes based on the syllabus, especially for the sciences, and find a study method that works for you. And remember that while academic success is helpful for the future, it isn't everything and shouldn't mean sacrificing every aspect of your life. I still worked a casual job and made time for my friends and pets. It’s important to take time for yourself.
Ewan Beach — Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology

My Grandpa inspires me. He taught me to understand and appreciate all opportunities and continuously seek ways to enhance my self-improvement.
Career goal
I would like to pursue a career in the financial sector.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics (Honours) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematics — I have a passion for applying mathematics to model real-life situations and problems.
Tips and advice for current students
Stay true to yourself and trust the strategies that work best for you. There is no study method which will work optimally for every person, so don’t take on popular study strategies. Sometimes your strategies may be unorthodox, but if they enhance your own learning, then they are what you should use.
Isaac Beh — Warwick State High School

I’d like to thank my parents for their support, my family for their love, my teachers for their wisdom and all authors of good textbooks.
Career goal
To study mathematics, particularly statistics and analysis, and continue as an academic or find employment in industry.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Mathematics and Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Japanese. A language is so satisfying to learn.
Tips and advice for current students
The purpose of high school is not just to learn content, but to learn how to think.
Declan Cabot — St Joseph’s Nudgee College

I like to live by the motto that you get what you work for, not what you wish for. Without hard work, your goals will rarely come to fruition, so persevere.
Career goal
To become a doctor. I’d like to embrace the diversity the medical field offers before specialising, potentially in emergency medicine.
Study plans
Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University (with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine Program).
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry challenged me the most, but it also encouraged me to innovate and problem solve which was very satisfying.
Tips and advice for current students
Use your disappointments as opportunities to learn and grow as a person.
Angela Chen — Brisbane State High School

I always wanted a career in health care and grew up in a health-oriented family. I decided recently that I wanted to become a doctor, when my sister had a health scare and I saw the effect the doctors had on her and our family.
Career goal
To complete my medical degree and work as a doctor. I’d also like to use my skills to continue advocating for gender equality and youth rights.
Study plans
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Medical Sciences/Doctor of Medicine at the University of New South Wales.
Favourite subject in Year 12
English was my favourite subject. It helped open my eyes to other perspectives and develop empathy.
Tips and advice for current students
While it’s important to study, it’s important to keep up the activities you want to do, such as sport, music or volunteering. And when you know a concept well, challenge yourself by teaching a peer, a sibling or a parent. They'll ask questions that pinpoint gaps in your knowledge and it builds coherence between concepts.
Matthew Chen — Brisbane Boys' College

I recommend studying smarter and more efficiently, instead of for long periods of time. I had a lot of fun in Year 12 because I made sure I worked smarter, not harder.
Career goal
To become a software engineer for a big tech company.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science (dual degree) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics was my favourite subject because it was interesting and challenging. It was also rewarding to compete against other smart students in my class.
Tips and advice for current students
My advice is to have a clear goal of what you desire to achieve. If you don't have a goal (e.g. an ATAR you desire), then you won't have that fire that drives you to success.
Matthew Cho — St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

I'd like to thank my teachers for their words of wisdom, my peers for their admirable qualities and my younger self for not giving up.
Career goal
To combine my love for maths, computing and motorsports and become the chief strategist for a Formula 1 team.
Study plans
Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Digital Solutions — I love finding creative solutions and physically implementing ideas into functional products such as applications, robots and databases.
Tips and advice for current students
Try hard, then try harder. No one is just smart. Success is proportional to effort. Keep yourself busy through activities other than studying — music, sports, debating, etc. This sustains momentum.
Imeshi Dayaratne — Brisbane State High School

I decided my career goals after work experience in Year 11, when I went to a rural hospital and shadowed a doctor for a week.
Career goal
I want to work in the medical field, specialising in haematology.
Study plans
I am studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University (with provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine).
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics interested me the most — it had the most ‘out there’ and intriguing topics that kept me on my toes.
Tips and advice for current students
Use the QCAA syllabus like a holy grail! I used to write the syllabus objectives in red and then write all the related content below it to organise my notes. I did this for Year 11 and 12 and it was great for revision. The cognitive verbs in the syllabus also kept me focused on exactly what type of detail I needed to go into, which assisted me in the level of depth I needed for unique topics.
Keyan (Sansuka) De Silva — The Rockhampton Grammar School

A defining moment for me was being selected for The University of Queensland's SPARQ-ed Research Immersion program in Year 10. It was interesting to learn about real-life applications and transforming effects on the human body.
Career goal
To work as a doctor in regional and rural communities and ultimately become a clinical geneticist.
Study plans
I am currently studying a Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine at Monash University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I enjoyed Chemistry, particularly the focus on biochemistry and organic chemistry in Unit 4.
Tips and advice for current students
My biggest tip for current Year 12 students is to ask lots of questions! For all my subjects, as I was revising or doing practice questions, I would have a separate notebook where I would list down any issues or concepts I was still struggling with. This allowed me to then ask my teachers or peers for assistance and enabled me to be a more engaged and active learner.
Reuben Drummond — King’s Christian College

I love maths and creating things, so my study and career goals were straightforward decisions.
Career goal
To own a product development and consultancy business to help bring people’s ideas to life.
Study plans
I’m studying a double degree in Engineering (Honours) and Mathematics at QUT.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics was challenging and satisfying.
Tips and advice for current students
Set a goal and write it down. Know what is required to reach the goal and write that down. Be willing to take on the commitment and schedule times into a calendar. And surround yourself with the right people — it helps with motivation.
Chen Fan — Hangzhou Dong Fang School

My career choice has been influenced by my father, who is an engineer, and by my mathematics teacher who told me the most important thing is not being smart but being careful and focused.
Career goal:
To work in scientific research and develop robots.
Study plans:
I plan to study mechatronic engineering at the University of Melbourne in 2022.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematics was my favourite subject.
Tips and advice for current students:
Learning is not as simple as recitation, you must absorb knowledge from a deep understanding.
Cody Fang — Brisbane Boys’ College

I’m motivated by wanting to be the best that I can be and reaching my full potential.
Career goal
To explore the applications of artificial intelligence through work or research.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics was my favourite because it helped me develop a greater, fundamental understanding of mathematics.
Tips and advice for current students
Use your time effectively and efficiently. I think it is good to be mindful of how one's time is spent and getting the most out of every second of study. It might mean putting the phone away or listening to some music to avoid distractions.
Declan Fletcher — Anglican Church Grammar School

I chose a degree in the subjects that I was passionate about and that I genuinely wanted to learn more about.
Career goal
I want to pursue a career in science and technology.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I enjoyed the collaborative learning style in my Literature class and my teacher always challenged me to achieve to my full potential.
Tips and advice for current students
Choose to study subjects that you are genuinely interested in rather than ones that you think you need to get a high ATAR. If you care about what you're studying, you'll work hard and be successful because you're invested in what you're learning.
Patrick Gleeson — St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

My motivation for study comes from being interested in what I’m learning, focused on my goals and competitive with myself.
Career goal
Ultimately, I want to do research in physics, computer science or mathematics. In the short term I want to explore these fields to get a better idea of what my goals are.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Philosophy (Science), at the Australian National University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics — I had a lot of fun exploring the concepts both in and out of class.
Tips and advice for current students
Follow your interests and find others who share them. Be curious and always ask questions. Prioritise. Reflect often — on your goals, relationships, successes and failures.
Rishi Goel — Brisbane Grammar School

My brother inspires me and has taught me almost everything I know. I’d like to make him proud someday and maybe inspire him just as much as he inspires me.
Career goal
After my degree I hope to complete a PhD in Physics and continue in academic research.
Study plans
I’m currently studying a Bachelor of Advanced Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics — I love a challenge and it helped me push myself to resolve problems.
Tips and advice for current students
My biggest tip to future students is to keep going. School is a marathon and you might feel like dropping out at various points. But at the end the feeling you get is phenomenal and being able to reflect on your hard work and see that it all paid off is fantastic. Just don't stop, don't give up and don’t forget to have fun.
Phoebe Grosser — St Hilda’s School

I owe so much of my academic success to my Year 12 Mathematical Methods teacher, Mrs Cross — she inspired me to make the most of my learning experience and pushed me to reach as far as I could.
Career goal
To work in scientific research and expand the frontiers of human knowledge in the physical sciences, ultimately making our lives greener, more equitable and convenient.
Study plans
Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) — Science at the Australian National University with majors in Physics and Chemistry.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics, Chemistry and English Extension top the list.
Tips and advice for current students
Try to actively engage your curiosity and interests in the material you are studying, rather than just aiming for good marks. You'll end up with something more precious than an A grade —fulfilment and enjoyment, but good academic performance will inevitably follow.
Alexandra Hope — Trinity Anglican School

I’m motivated by knowing what the future can hold and knowing that study will only aid me in my future endeavors.
Career goal
I hope to contribute to the medical field, specifically within paediatrics.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Medical Science (provisional entry to Doctor of Medicine) at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics was my favourite subject. Although the content challenged me, my class and teacher made every lesson enjoyable and there was never a dull moment.
Tips and advice for current students
Don't get caught up on the little things and remain organised, especially towards the end of the year.
Victor Huang — Trinity Anglican School

I’ve always had an interest in engineering and like the idea of designing or improving solutions to common or uncommon issues.
Career goal
To become a mechanical engineer and develop innovative systems and mechanisms to improve life.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Mathematics at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics because it had the greatest link between theory and practical application in real life.
Tips and advice for current students
Be flexible and open to change. The world is constantly changing and moving forwards, and a flexible mindset will allow you to adapt and overcome many challenges in the future.
Sohini Kundu — Brisbane State High School

My career choice is based on my family experience, as my father has a degenerative neurological disorder. I decided to work towards specialising in the field to hopefully one day become part of the solution.
Career goal
To specialise in neurology and to research early diagnosis and prevention methods for degenerative diseases.
Study plans
I plan to complete the Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University and hope to gain provisional entry into the Doctor of Medicine program.
Favourite subject in Year 12
If I had to settle for one, it would be Specialist Mathematics.
Tips and advice for current students
The one piece of advice that I will never forget is that hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. From this I’ve learnt that when you relentlessly channel your energy into your individual goals and rely on the sturdy pillars of hard work, you’ll achieve true success.
Kerrie Liang — Brisbane State High School

I’m motivated by knowing that I have the privilege to contribute to something greater than myself one day.
Career goal
I hope to study economics and philosophy and potentially attend law school. I’m also interested in ethics research and working towards a PhD.
Study plans
Later this year I will be starting a Bachelor of Arts at Princeton University. In the meantime, I’m studying Commerce at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Economics and Philosophy & Reason are the perfect middle ground for my interests.
Tips and advice for current students
Doing your best is always enough.
Joshua Long — St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

I love learning but also having a strong direction to my life really helped motivate me to study.
Career goal:
It’s my goal to volunteer with charities such as Doctors Without Borders. And to run a marathon.
Study plans:
I'm studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University and hope to progress to a Doctor of Medicine.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I like all the sciences but I particularly loved Chemistry because it was intricate and very logical.
Tips and advice for current students:
Develop a strong work ethic and have a clear idea of why you’re doing something. It’s best to make yourself work for a bit longer than you want to because, if you don't extend yourself, you're not stretching your boundaries. My swimming coach used to say: If it's not hard, you're not doing it properly, and I believe this applies to almost everything.
Lewis Luck — Brisbane Grammar School

I’m motivated by a drive to do well in life and distinguish myself.
Career goal:
I’d like to be involved with innovation, research and development in STEM.
Study plans:
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/ Master of Engineering at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Mathematics because a logical application of fundamental truths produces exceptionally useful and applicable results.
Tips and advice for current students:
Don't worry too much about ridiculous study regimes. Do practice exams, listen in class, perform well on the day, and you will achieve your best.
Jennifer Mai — Brisbane State High School

I'm motivated by working towards my goals, striving for personal excellence and simply learning new things and developing new skills.
Career goal
To strive for excellence in my studies so I am well-equipped with knowledge and skills to contribute to the community.
Study plans
I'm studying a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I enjoyed Chemistry and Physics because they gave me an opportunity to gain deeper insights into how the world around us works.
Tips and advice for current students
Treat every experience, good and bad, as an opportunity to learn, improve and grow.
Quoc Hung Nguyen — Pine Rivers State High School

I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my family, teachers and friends for supporting me through high school.
Career goal
To study medicine and make a contribution to Australia while upholding the Vietnamese values and traditions my grandma has taught me.
Study plans
I am studying Medicine at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I liked Chemistry because it is the ultimate hybrid subject, combining maths and science.
Tips and advice for current students
Besides maintaining a good study-life balance, learn how to learn. Look up videos about science-based strategies to study less and ace exams.
Lucy Ochre — Brisbane State High School

My parents inspire me. They have been so supportive and I'm truly grateful for all the opportunities they have given me.
Career goal
To do what makes me happy and have a job that I really love.
Study plans
Dual Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) and Bachelor of Mathematics degree at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I loved the broad range of topics we covered in Spanish and I had an inspiring and positive teacher from Year 7 to Year 12.
Tips and advice for current students
Make sure to support your classmates and be there for others. Learn to ask for help.
Emily Price — Townsville Grammar School

I always enjoyed maths and science at school and was attracted to engineering because I could use theoretical knowledge to solve problems and create tangible change in the world.
Career goal
To use my chemical engineering degree to have a fulfilling career developing new and sustainable technology to create a better future.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor/Master of Engineering at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I love the Italian language so I was motivated to study it through the Cairns School of Distance Education.
Tips and advice for current students
Maintain balance in your life and continue to do the things outside of school you love.
Lucia Rega — All Hallows’ School

I had an aptitude for mathematics and science subjects at school and enjoyed problem solving. Engineering sounded like the perfect career choice as it requires analytical skills and a strong knowledge of STEM subjects.
Career goal
My goal is to become a mechatronic engineer and make a positive contribution to society through technological and engineering solutions.
Study plans
Bachelors of Engineering (Honours)/Science at The University of Queensland.
Favourite subject in Year 12
I enjoyed Specialist Mathematics as it was the most challenging. Italian was a close second because it made me think in a completely different way.
Tips and advice for current students
My advice for future students is to not cut off extracurricular activities. Maintaining a balance between study and fun is important, particularly in the senior years.
Cooper Rennie — Springfield Central State High School

My decision to pursue a career in medicine was inspired by a keen interest in biology and chemistry and by my sister who is a registered nurse.
Career goal
To become an anaesthetist.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University and have provisional entry to the Doctor of Medicine program.
Favourite subject in Year 12
My favourite subject was Chemistry as it brought together concepts from a variety of subjects that I enjoyed such as Biology and Physics.
Tips and advice for current students
Set out your goals early — if you have a clear goal it will be easier to stay motivated. And try to maintain a balance. Do things you look forward to at the end of each week and take breaks when you need it. Year 12 is an amazing year and it’s imperative that you feel your best and enjoy it.
Georgina Rutland — Kenmore State High School

I decided to pursue a career in law as it incorporated my favourite aspects of the subjects I enjoyed the most.
Career goal
To become a lawyer.
Study plans
I will be starting a law degree at the University of Sydney in 2022.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Ancient History was my favourite subject. I enjoyed learning the content as well as the essay writing aspect.
Tips and advice for current students
Organising study is key.
Matina Samios — Brisbane Girls Grammar School

My mum is my biggest inspiration. She has an intense medical career and has taught me the importance of staying motivated and getting work done. Her compassion and drive have always motivated me to be my best.
Career goal
To have a career in medicine and explore ways to improve modern medicine through technological implementation.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University and hope to progress into the Doctor of Medicine program.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics — it was challenging but also fun.
Tips and advice for current students
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that we have the power to do anything we set our minds to — not even a global pandemic could stop us from graduating! My advice is to push your limits and give everything your everything. Make the most of every opportunity and always reflect on how lucky we are because you never truly know how much something means to you until it’s gone.
Kento Seki — All Saints Anglican School

I am inspired every day by my peers — the people who give their very best to something whether it’s study, sport, music or work.
Career goal
Broadly speaking, my goal is to keep growing. I want to experience everything and keep broadening my horizons.
Study plans
I will be studying a Bachelor of Data Science and Decisions at the University of New South Wales.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Modern History was my favourite subject because it broadened my perspectives and gave me a clearer sense of why the world is the way it is.
Tips and advice for current students
Make every one of your subjects mean something to you. Studying Macbeth became interesting when I related his ambitions to my own and thought about the things that I’ve sacrificed to achieve them. I thought genuinely and deeply about what I would’ve done in Macbeth’s shoes —and that made it fascinating to follow his character arc. Invest yourself in your subjects and you’ll find them much easier.
Ryo Takamizawa — All Saints Anglican School

Having a clear vision and purpose for study is vital to maintain productivity. Without an end goal, the brain unfortunately misconstrues studying as a dull, abstract endeavour.
Career goal
To work at the edge of modern medicine at a large hospital.
Study plans
I'm studying a Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Although Specialist Mathematics can be mind-bending, the complexity of the fundamental logic made it an amazing platform to apply critical thinking skills.
Tips and advice for current students
It is vital to embrace extracurricular activities throughout student life. The soft skills and hobbies that are developed are indispensable after graduation, where the ability to communicate and coordinate as a team is often valued more than differential calculus.
Khoa-Anh Tran — Brisbane State High School

I would like to thank my family, friends and teachers for supporting me every step of the way. My parents have been such a massive inspiration for me — seeing their relentless hard work drives me to do the same.
Career goal
I would love to devote my time to the field of medicine and medical research.
Study plans
I will be commencing a Bachelor of Biomedicine at the University of Melbourne.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Chemistry is a challenging and intriguing subject — it is highly applicable and is growing in importance in today’s dynamic world.
Tips and advice for current students
Take some time to buffer.
Georgy Ushakov — Unity College

I’m inspired by many different people but especially great engineers who designed amazing things.
Career goal
Become an engineer and hopefully work on some very cool projects.
Study plans
Bachelor of Engineering at QUT.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics. It’s why I chose engineering — I’ll get to take physics and throw it at real world problems.
Tips and advice for current students
You should always try to do your absolute best in everything you do —you won't regret it later.
Chethin Weerakkody — Brisbane State High School

Being there for other people is something that motivates me. At school I would study in advance to make sure I could help others in the class.
Career goal
I hope to specialise in artificial intelligence and machine learning and ultimately develop a world-changing invention.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Advanced Computing/Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences at the Australian National University.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Specialist Mathematics forced me to think outside my comfort zone and enhance my thinking. Physics allowed me to think radically, which I loved.
Tips and advice for current students
To quote Buddha: The mind is everything, what you think, you become. I can't stress how accurate this is. It is crucial to believe that success is possible and is within reach.
Rachel Yang — Somerville House

It is a dream of mine to help with the development of healthcare in underprivileged countries and bring my skills to where they are needed the most.
Career goal
I would love to be a doctor specialising in surgery.
Study plans
In 2021 I will be studying Medicine at the University of Cambridge.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics and Literature. Physics involved surprises and discoveries while Literature helped me to explore the human condition. Both subjects challenged me and honed my critical thinking and writing skills.
Tips and advice for current students
Stop fretting over losing one mark on a test — you wouldn't even remember it in a month's time!
Yang Zhang — St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace

Studying with friends is a great way to both help fill in the gaps in your knowledge and make studying more interesting.
Career goal
To innovate at the forefront of my chosen field.
Study plans
I’m studying a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne and plan to complete either a Masters or PhD in mathematics, engineering or physics.
Favourite subject in Year 12
Physics — the mathematics underlying various physics phenomenon never ceases to amaze me.
Tips and advice for current students
Start assignments and study early. Getting a head start on everything means you can stop cramming, which improves your study efficiency. And balance your academic, social and extra-curricular life. Overworking will end up being detrimental, so take some time to relax.