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Types of QCAA-reported results

General subjects

Final results in General subjects are based on student achievement in four summative assessments:

For most General subjects, internal assessment contributes 75% to the final subject result, except in mathematics and science subjects, where it contributes 50%.

The QCAA endorses the three summative internal assessment instruments for all General subjects before schools use them. The QCAA confirms the grades schools award for these assessments by reviewing a selected sample of student work for every subject in every school.

All General subjects include external assessment. The QCAA adds the external assessment result to the internal assessment results to arrive at a final subject result.

Further information about General subject results can be accessed via the Calculating results in General subjects page.

Senior External Examinations

Senior External Examinations are for eligible Year 12 students unable to access certain subjects at their school and adult students.

Results are based solely on a student’s examination performance. Any class tests or assignments during the year do not contribute to results.

Senior External Examination results may contribute credit to the award of a QCE and contribute to ATAR calculations.

Applied subjects

Subject results in Applied subjects are based on student achievement in four equally weighted internal assessments. For Essential English and Essential Mathematics, one of these assessments is externally set by the QCAA but administered by schools.

The QCAA endorses summative internal assessment instruments for Essential English and Essential Mathematics subjects before schools use them. The QCAA quality assures the assessment programs in other Applied subjects and to review results awarded by schools.

Student performance in Applied subjects is reported using an A to E standard.

Further information about the assessment system is available in Sections 7 and 9 of the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.

Short Courses

Short Courses consist of a single unit and are assessed using two summative school-developed assessments.

Student performance in Short Courses is reported in December using an A to E standard.

Further information about Short Courses is available in Sections 4 and 7 of the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.


VET qualifications that students complete while enrolled at school contribute credit towards a QCE. They include diploma and advanced diploma qualifications as well as school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.

Further information about VET credit is available in Sections 2 and 5 of the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.

University subjects

One- or two-semester university subjects studied as part of a school program in partnership with a tertiary education institution can contribute credit to a QCE only when a student is enrolled at a school. In some cases, credit may be accrued for partial completion.

Recognised studies

The QCAA recognises a wide range of other courses that may contribute to a QCE. The QCAA determines the category of learning and amount of credit that can contribute to a QCE. Learning providers report completed recognised studies to the QCAA.

The QCAA publishes and maintains a list of recognised studies and QCE credit. Further information about recognised studies is included in Section 2 of the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook.

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