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Year 2 English sample assessment

Unit details

Unit title: Exploring persuasive texts

Timing and duration: Term 4, 6 weeks

Assessment overview

Assessment title: Writing a persuasive text

Context: In Term 4, students have read picture books and stories that present a point of view. They have written short persuasive texts experimenting with persuasive language features, including ‘strong’ words or commands. In this task, students write a persuasive text to convince the reader whether Year 2 students should or should not have homework.

Technique and format: Extended response: Persuasive exposition

Mode and conditions: Written — 100–200 words; completed in class in two 30-minute sessions

Assessment date: Term 4, Week 6, in two lessons — Lesson 1: Plan and conference; Lesson 2: Write and hand in


A ZIP file of all Year 2 English sample assessment resources will be available.


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