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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives Statement 2017–2020

The QCAA is committed to embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into all aspects of its work.

The following principles, affirmation and priorities for 2017–2020 support QCAA staff, stakeholders and partners in ensuring that Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives inform the work of the QCAA.

These perspectives reflect individual and community experiences, cultural beliefs and values. They acknowledge and connect Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ ways of knowing, viewing and relating to the world.


Only Aboriginal communities and Torres Strait Islander communities can define the protocols and processes for their knowledge.

QCAA products and services aim to provide balanced and informed representation of cultural, social, spiritual and political beliefs, respectful of the diversity of Aboriginal histories and cultures and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.

QCAA products provide opportunities to connect with members of Aboriginal communities and Torres Strait Islander communities and to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing.

QCAA is committed to embedding Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into QCAA products, services and organisational culture by way of:

  • curriculum development (syllabuses, advice, guidelines and resources)
  • assessment
  • recognition and accreditation
  • professional development (internal and external)
  • human resources, policy and communications.


QCAA affirms that:

  • Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the First Australians, and have the oldest living cultures in human history.
  • Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples have strong cultural traditions and speak diverse languages and dialects, other than Standard Australian English.
  • Teaching, learning and assessment in Queensland schools must provide relevant and engaging opportunities for all students to develop their knowledge and understanding of Australia by engaging with the perspectives of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students are supported by successfully embedding Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives across planning, teaching, learning and assessing student achievement to enable the same educational outcomes as their peers.

Priorities 2017–2020


  • Connecting with Aboriginal communities and individuals and Torres Strait Islander communities and individuals.
  • Providing advice and support to Aboriginal community organisations and Torres Strait Islander community organisations about applying for recognition of structured community-based learning programs and projects.
  • Developing and maintaining partnerships with government and non-government organisations that have policy focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education.


  • Promoting key events pertaining to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education (internal and external) through networks, QCAA communications and conferences.
  • Promoting QCAA products and services within Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community forums and events.
  • Promoting and supporting the work of QCAA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education staff through internal, community and organisational networks.

Cultural engagement

  • Maintaining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation on QCAA committees.
  • Encouraging and supporting QCAA staff to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander professional networks and programs.

Products and services

  • Continuing to ensure that Aboriginal perspectives and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are embedded in QCAA products and services.
  • Maintaining cultural awareness processes, programs and support for QCAA staff and committees.
  • Ensuring QCAA products and services reflect Commonwealth and State Government policies and priorities about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education.
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