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Accessing information

Before lodging an official application, you should:

You may access information held by the QCAA in a number of ways:

Published information

The QCAA makes a wide range of information available through its publications, most of which are free of charge. Please see our list of Publications for details.

If you cannot find the information you want on our website, please email or telephone (07) 3120 6157.

Making an official RTI application

Application form

To make an official application to the QCAA, you must complete the following form:

Your application must include the details of the information being requested, your contact details (including a mailing address) and proof of identity (if applying for personal information).

How to lodge

  • By post: Legal Unit, Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, PO Box 307, Spring Hill QLD 4004
  • By email: to

Fees and charges

There is an application fee under the RTI Act, and you may also have to pay processing and access charges.

There is no application fee or processing charges under the IP Act, although you may have to pay access charges.

For further information about fees and charges, see

Processing an application

When you lodge an application, a QCAA officer will determine if:

  • any further information is required from you
  • any processing charges are applicable.

The QCAA is generally required to deal with your application within 25 business days from the date it was received. This period can be extended by 10 business days if another person or department needs to be consulted and by further periods in some circumstances.

If we are unable to identify any information relevant to your application, we will tell you within 25 business days of receiving your application.

When your application has been processed, we will send you a notice setting out our decision and why we have made it.

More information

For more information email or telephone (07) 3120 6157.

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